Human Age to Ostrich Years Calculator

This free online tool converts your age into Ostrich years based on your DOB. Just enter your date of birth and find out how old you would be if you were a Ostrich.

Date of Birth

Ostrich: The Fastest Running Bird

Ostriches are fascinating birds with remarkable physical characteristics, adaptive behaviors, and unique breeding strategies. These remarkable creatures serve as ambassadors for the preservation of their fragile ecosystems. It is paramount that we continue to prioritize their conservation to ensure the survival of this captivating and iconic avian species.


Ostriches exhibit complex breeding behaviors that differ between males and females. During the mating season, dominant males perform elaborate courtship displays, involving feather fluffing, wing flapping, and low-frequency booming sounds. These displays aim to attract females and assert dominance over rival males. Successful males form small breeding groups called harems, consisting of 2 to 7 females. Once a female selects her mate, nesting commences.

Ostriches construct communal nests, usually shallow depressions in the ground, where multiple females lay their eggs together. The dominant female, who may also mate with the dominant male, assumes the responsibility of incubating and protecting the eggs. A single female can lay as many as 60 eggs during the breeding season. The large and elongated eggs have thick, hard shells that aid in protecting the developing embryos. Incubation lasts for approximately 42 days and is primarily carried out by the female during the day, while males take over incubation at night. This division of labor helps maintain constant temperatures for the eggs.


Ostriches are sociable birds, and they typically live in loose groups known as herds or flocks. These groups are led by a dominant male and female, who are responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of the members. When threatened, ostriches rely on their remarkable speed and agility to evade danger. They are famous for their incredible running abilities, reaching speeds of up to 43 miles per hour, which makes them the fastest running birds on Earth. In addition to running, ostriches can also deliver powerful kicks with their strong legs. These kicks are formidable weapons used to defend against predators such as lions, hyenas, and humans.

Conservation Status

While not currently classified as endangered, ostriches face various challenges to their survival. Human activities, including habitat loss, hunting, and climate change, pose significant threats to their populations. The conversion of natural grassland habitats into agricultural land, expanding human settlements, and infrastructure development contribute to the loss and fragmentation of the ostrich's habitats. Furthermore, illegal hunting for their meat, feathers, and eggs also negatively impacts their populations.

Conservation efforts are underway to protect ostrich populations and their habitats. These initiatives focus on habitat preservation, the establishment of protected areas, and raising awareness about the importance of conservation. Additionally, sustainable farming practices have been implemented in some regions, allowing for the controlled breeding of ostriches for meat, feathers, and leather products without endangering wild populations.

Human Years to Ostrich Age Chart:

Human to Ostrich years calculator: How old am I in Ostrich years? A human's 1 year is equal to about 0.49 to 0.61 years of a Ostrich's lifespan. We've created an easy-to-understand chart that shows your age by converting it to a Ostrich's age.

Human Age Ostrich Years
1 Year 0 Year, 6 Months, 18 Days
2 Years 1 Year, 1 Month, 5 Days
3 Years 1 Year, 7 Months, 22 Days
4 Years 2 Years, 2 Months, 9 Days
5 Years 2 Years, 8 Months, 27 Days
6 Years 3 Years, 3 Months, 14 Days
7 Years 3 Years, 10 Months, 1 Day
8 Years 4 Years, 4 Months, 18 Days
9 Years 4 Years, 11 Months, 6 Days
10 Years 5 Years, 5 Months, 23 Days
20 Years 10 Years, 11 Months, 15 Days
30 Years 16 Years, 5 Months, 8 Days
40 Years 21 Years, 11 Months, 0 Day
50 Years 27 Years, 4 Months, 23 Days
60 Years 32 Years, 10 Months, 16 Days
70 Years 38 Years, 4 Months, 9 Days
80 Years 43 Years, 10 Months, 1 Day
90 Years 49 Years, 3 Months, 24 Days
100 Years 54 Years, 9 Months, 16 Days

Some interesting facts about Ostrich:

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Struthioniformes
Family: Struthionidae

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