Your Age on Planet Mercury

This free online age calculator calculates your age on Mercury based on your date of birth. Just enter your name and DOB and click on Calculate button.

Date of Birth

What would be your age if you were born on other planets?

Mercury Overview

Mercury is the closest and smallest planet in the solar system to the sun. The planet is named after the Roman god Mercurius because of its rapid orbit around the sun. Like Earth, it is a terrestrial planet with a solid surface very similar to that of the Moon. Remarkably, this small planet exhibits a strong magnetic field. Mercury has no moons.

As an inner planet, Mercury is visible from Earth. Mercury is always in the firmament in the morning or evening twilight in the vicinity of the rising or setting sun. It is much less conspicuous than the other, much brighter inner planet Venus. As a result, observation is often hampered by direct sunlight and atmospheric conditions.

Of all the planets in the solar system, Mercury has the orbit with the greatest eccentricity (e=0.21). The distance to the sun fluctuates between 46 and 70 million kilometers. Due to spin-orbit resonance, the ratio in duration between year and day is 3:2, and remains stable due to the eccentricity of Mercury's orbit: during perihelion, the sun is virtually stationary in the Mercury sky. Then the tidal effect of the sun is strongest.

Less than four days from perihelion, Mercury's orbital speed exceeds its rotational speed on its own axis.

Mercury has huge temperature differences between day and night. During the day the temperature rises to about 700 K (427 °C), which is less high than on Venus, and at night it drops to 100 K (−170 °C). One reason for this lies in the rotation time: an axis rotation lasts more than 58 Earth days (2/3 of the orbital time). In combination with the orbit around the sun in 88 days, one day on Mercury lasts over 176 Earth days. It used to be thought that the rotation period was also 88 days. The height of the maximum temperature is due to the relatively short distance from the sun and the large differences due to the (almost) lack of an atmosphere. The sunlight on Mercury's surface is about nine times as intense as on Earth, because Mercury is three times closer to the sun.

How old would you be if you were born on Mercury?

Do you want to know what would be your age if you were born on Mercury? So just select your birthdate in the above form and click on the calculate button and this tool will calculate and tell you how many revolutions Mercury has made on the Sun and its axis since your birthday. That is, how old are you on Mercury in years, months and days, along with this this calculator will also give the date of your next birthday on Mercury.

Mercury Age Chart

Mercury orbit around the Sun takes 87.97 Earth days. For easy understanding we have written some years in the table below and it has been converted to how many years on Mercury if you are x years old on Earth.

Age on Earth Mercury Age
1 Year 4 years, 1 month, and 23 days.
2 Years 8 years, 3 months, and 22 days.
3 Years 12 years, 5 months, and 16 days.
4 Years 16 years, 7 months, and 9 days.
5 Years 20 years, 9 months, and 3 days.
10 Years 41 years, 6 months, and 6 days.
15 Years 62 years, 3 months, and 5 days.
20 Years 83 years, 0 month, and 4 days.
25 Years 103 years, 9 months, and 8 days.
30 Years 124 years, 6 months, and 10 days.
35 Years 145 years, 3 months, and 9 days.
40 Years 166 years, 0 month, and 8 days.
45 Years 186 years, 9 months, and 12 days.
50 Years 207 years, 6 months, and 15 days.
60 Years 249 years, 0 month, and 12 days.
70 Years 290 years, 6 months, and 19 days.
80 Years 332 years, 0 month, and 16 days.
90 Years 373 years, 6 months, and 23 days.
100 Years 415 years, 0 month, and 20 days.

Interesting Facts about Mercury

Farthest distance from Sun: 69,816,900 km
Nearest distance from Sun: 46,001,200 km
Day: About 59 Earth days (to complete one rotation on its axis)
Solar Day: About 176 Earth days (one full day-night cycle)
Year: 88 Earth days
Radius: 1,516 miles (2,439.7 kilometers)
Planet Type: Terrestrial
Number of moons: 0
Volume: 60,827,208,742 km3
Mass: 330,104,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg
Density: 5.427 g/cm3
Escape Velocity: 15,300 km/h
Surface Temperature: -173/427 °C
Rings: No
Average orbital speed: 47.36 km/s
Surface gravity: 3.7 m/s2, 0.38 g